When I was in my early 20s I used to work at a gym and probably work out a least five times a week. I did this for several years and always maintained my body and weight but eventually got married and had kids and moved changed to a hair stylist job as well as a stay-at-home mom with three kids. At the age of 31 and 172pds, I started going back to the gym and getting in several workouts a week but after a year I still realized I wasn’t getting the results I wanted and decided to give personal training a try even though I was experienced in working out. That’s when I met Eric.
He explained to me that a lot of the traditional aspects of fitness such as isolation training and machines was not nearly as effective as everyone thinks it is and also explained to me that since I’ve gotten older and was in my 30s now, that nutrition and dynamic training was a much bigger part of my regiment that I ever had been.
Eric taught me the aspects of dynamic functional training and how to incorporate that into my workouts with and without him. He also taught me much more than I’ve ever learned about nutrition and how to implicate that into my life as well.
Not only did he make the workouts fun and enjoyable and different, he also taught me a lot about myself and how to find personal strength within myself, not just strength with my body.
Now I can go to the gym on my own and feel confident in my workouts also do workouts at home but still find a time to meet with Eric at least twice a week. He was the best decision I’ve ever made for my physical health and physique.